Day on the
No one ever said we were trying to appeal to everyone. Just to certain independent-thinking someones who dare to be different. Someone like you.
We get it. Some people will write Nebraska off and never give it another thought. Or another chance. But we also know that there are enlightened truth-seekers out there willing to take the time to find out what makes our beautiful state so appealing, charming and disarming. Welcome enlightened truth-seekers!
Round up some friends, stock a cooler and climb into a livestock watering tank: you're going tanking on one of our scenic, gentle rivers.

In spring, nearly 1 million sandhill cranes stop in Nebraska along their migratory path. View nature’s spectacle up close on a sanctuary or tour.

From hustle and bustle to thistles and bird whistles, every one of the state’s unique regions offers amazing experiences.

Live like a 19th-century pioneer (minus the hardships) by staying and pitching in, if it suits you, on a traditional Nebraska homestead.

A great trip starts with a great plan, so our sage advice is to make a great plan. The process begins when you click the button below.