Nebraska Tourism Commission Videoconference Meeting Minutes

January 26, 2023 at 10:00 AM CST


Nebraska Tourism Commission

Nebraska State Office Building

301 Centennial Mall South, 1st Floor

Lincoln, NE 68509

National Willa Cather Center, Conf. Room

425 N Webster St, Red Cloud NE 68970


Calamus Outfitters, 83721 Valleyview Ave Burwell, NE 68823


Gering Civic Center

1050 M Street, Gering NE 69341

Lincoln Children’s Zoo

Hubbard Center, 1222 S 27th Street Lincoln, NE






Commissioner Chair Roger Jasnoch called the meeting to order at 10:00 am.


Commissioners present: Darrin Barner, Heritage Homes of Nebraska; Roger Jasnoch, Kearney Visitors Bureau; Roger Kuhn, Nebraska Game and Parks Commission; Robert Sabin, Hilton Omaha; Deb Loseke, Columbus/Platte County CVB; Ashley Olson, Willa Cather Foundation; Sarah Sortum, Calamus Outfitters; Jeanna Stavas, Whispering Pines Bed and Breakfast; John Chapo, Lincoln Children’s Zoo; Starr Lehl

Commissioners absent: Barry McFarland, Mac’s Creek Vineyard & Winery


Commission staff present: John Ricks, Schuylar Craig, Shirley Wichman, Heather Hogue, Ben Jones, Michel Collins, Jenna Bartja, Karen Kollars, Madison Johnson, Alisha Simonson


  1. Approval of Meeting Agenda

Commission Chair Jasnoch welcomed the commissioners; introductions were made; and Jasnoch asked for motion to approve agenda.


Chapo motioned to approve the agenda. Kuhn seconded the motion.


Roll call vote – Commissioners in favor: Barner, Jasnoch, Kuhn, Sabin, Loseke, Olson, Sortum, Stavas, Chapo, Lehl. Absent: McFarland. Opposed: none. Abstain: none. Motion passed.


  1. Public Comment Period for items listed on the Agenda

Jasnoch opened the public comment period at 10:02 am.

With no members of the public coming forward, Jasnoch closed the public comment period at 10:03 am.

  1. Approval of October 25, 2022, Meeting Minutes


Jasnoch requested motion to approve the October 25, 2022, meeting minutes.


Sabin motioned to approve the meeting minutes from October 25, 2022.  Barner seconded the motion.

Roll call vote – Commissioners in favor: Barner, Jasnoch, Kuhn, Sabin, Loseke, Olson, Sortum, Stavas. Absent: McFarland, Chapo, Lehl. Opposed: none. Abstain: none. Motion passed.


  1. Financial Update and Finance Committee Report – Commissioner Stavas


Stavas went through spreadsheets that were previously distributed. Stavas discussed grant funds to go out to the next upcoming cycle. Lodging tax has had records months. Stavas stated FY reporting, leisure travel has been strong; business travel has been good.


Motion to accept status review and financials as presented by Stavas.  Kuhn seconded the motion.

Roll call vote – Commissioners in favor: Barner, Jasnoch, Kuhn, Sabin, Loseke, Olson,  Sortum, Stavas, Chapo, Lehl. Absent: McFarland. Opposed: none. Abstain: none. Motion passed.


  1. Director’s Report and NTC Project Updates – John Ricks and NTC staff
    1. Tourism Conference – Ricks went over in sponsorship, had great turnout, keynote speakers were great and registration went well vs prior year
    2. Grant Program – Hogue Hogue referenced grant review committee recommendations, cleared up any questions about how recipients were chosen, how they are scored & discussed briefly how program works.
    3. Agency Contract Renewals – discussion of one more year of contracts working well with Miles Partnership; Crane Promotion has been good
    4. Passport Program – Johnson discussed introducing the Holiday 2022 Passport for the first time; discussed positive feedback and what to expect for next year
    5. Group Tour 2023 – Collins introduced the updated website, new ideas for 2024, a new Group Travel Booklet to promote new themes on tourism.
    6. MarkeTech – discussion of dates (March 1-2, 2023), commission meeting; conference in Kearney


Loseke motioned to approve the FY 22-23 Grant Program Awards as recommended by the grant review committee. Chapo seconded the motion.

Roll call vote – Commissioners in favor: Barner, Chapo, Jasnoch, Kuhn, Lehl, Loseke, Sabin, Sortum, Stavas. Absent: McFarland. Opposed: none. Abstain: Olson. Motion passed.


Sabin motioned to approve the Agency Contract Renewals for the next fiscal year with Miles Partnership and Turner PR. Barner seconded the motion.

Roll call vote – Commissioners in favor: Barner, Chapo, Jasnoch, Kuhn, Lehl, Loseke, Olson, Sabin, Sortum, Stavas. Absent: McFarland. Opposed: none. Abstain: none. Motion passed.




  1. Commission Committee Reports
    1. Legislative Committee– Commissioner Lehl deferring to Ricks – no news to report.
    2. Marketing Committee - Commissioner Chapo discussed Miles Partnership, Sandhill Crane migration; objectives to help enhance overall awareness & increase engagement


  1. Commission Chair Report - Commissioner Jasnoch

Thanked everyone for attending and for their hard work. Received thanks from the other commissioners for his hard work as Chairman.

Director Performance Review - Kuhn motioned to enter Closed Session for the prevention of needless injury to the reputation of an individual. Barner seconded the motion.

Commissioners in favor: Barner, Chapo, Jasnoch, Kuhn, Lehl, Loseke, Olson, Sabin, Sortum, Stavas. Absent: McFarland. Opposed: none. Abstain: none. Motion passed, closed session entered at 11:55am.

Loseke motioned to come out of closed session at 12:58pm. Sortum seconded the motion. Roll call vote – Commissioners in favor: Barner, Chapo, Jasnoch, Kuhn, Lehl, Loseke, Olson, Sabin, Sortum, Stavas. Absent: McFarland. Opposed: none. Abstain: none. Motion passed.

Sortum motioned to approve 5% salary increase for Executive Director, John Ricks. Sabin seconded the motion.

Roll call vote – Commissioners in favor: Barner, Jasnoch, Kuhn, Lehl, Loseke, Olson, Sabin, Sortum, Stavas. Absent: McFarland, Chapo. Opposed: none. Abstain: none. Motion passed.


  1. New Business
    1. Upcoming Board Meeting Dates: March 1st in Lexington, May 16th in Kearney with brochure swap, August – tentative in Omaha, October 17th in Gering
    2. Travel Conference Locations – 2023 in Gering, talk in March on tentative locations for 2024


  1. Election of Officers

Slate of Officers are as follows: Commissioner Chairman: Robert Sabin; Vice-Chair: Barry McFarland; Treasurer: Jeanna Stavas; At-Large: Ashley Olson

Loseke requested motion to approve Election of Officers. Kuhn seconded the motion.

Roll call vote – Commissioners in favor: Barner, Jasnoch, Kuhn, Lehl, Loseke, Olson, Sabin, Sortum, Stavas. Absent: McFarland, Chapo. Opposed: none. Abstain: none. Motion passed.


  1. Adjourn


At 1:22 pm Jasnoch requested motion to adjourn meeting. Barner seconded the motion.

Roll call vote – Commissioners in favor: Barner, Jasnoch, Kuhn, Lehl, Loseke, Sortum. Absent: Chapo, McFarland, Olson, Sabin, Stavas. Opposed: none. Abstain: none. Motion passed.


Respectfully submitted by Schuylar Craig