Nebraska Tourism Commission
Flyover Brewery
1824 Broadway, Scottsbluff, NE 68508
Commissioner Chair Roger Jasnoch called the meeting to order at 4:0p5m MST
Commissioners present: Roger Jasnoch, Kearney Visitors Bureau; Roger Kuhn, Nebraska Game and Parks Commission; Starr Lehl, Scottsbluff Economic Development; Deb Loseke, Columbus/Platte County CVB; Ashley Olson, Willa Cather Foundation; Robert Sabin, Hilton Omaha; Sarah Sortum, Calamus Outfitters; Jeanna Stavas, Whispering Pines Bed and Breakfast.
Commissioners absent: Darrin Barner, Heritage Homes of Nebraska; John Chapo, Lincoln Children’s Zoo; Barry McFarland, Mac’s Creek Vineyards and Winery
Commission staff present: John Ricks, Shirley Wichman, Karen Kollars, Schuylar Craig
Approval of Meeting Agenda
Commission Chair Jasnoch welcomed the commissioners; introductions were made. Jasnoch introduced Commissioner Lehl to give the welcome to Scottsbluff. Commissioner Lehl introduced the Flyover Brewery and she talked about the origin, have been in business for four years and just did an expansion to include a meeting room. After thanking her for hosting the commission meeting, Jasnoch asked for motion to approve agenda.
Loseke motioned to approve the agenda. Kuhn seconded the motion.
Roll call vote – Commissioners in favor: Jasnoch, Kuhn, Lehl, Loseke, Olson, Sabin, Sortum, Stavas. Absent: Barner, Chapo, McFarland. Opposed: none. Abstain: none. Motion passed.
Public Comment Period for items listed on the Agenda
Jasnoch opened the public comment period at 4:15pm.
With no members of the public coming forward, Jasnoch closed the public comment period at 4:16pm.
Approval of March 24, 2022, Meeting Minutes
Jasnoch requested motion to approve the March 24, 2022, meeting minutes.
Kuhn motioned to approve the meeting minutes from March 24, 2022. Stavas seconded the motion.
Roll call vote – Commissioners in favor: Jasnoch, Kuhn, Lehl, Loseke, Olson, Sabin, Sortum, Stavas. Absent: Barner, Chapo, McFarland. Opposed: none. Abstain: none. Motion passed.
Financial Update and Finance Committee Report – Commissioner Stavas
Stavas went through spreadsheets that were previously distributed. Director Ricks spoke about the budget spreadsheets, budget narratives through a PowerPoint presentation pointing out various elements of financials and expenses. Discussion on gas prices, that people will still go, but may spend less. Discussion again on increasing spending authority to $10 million in next legislative session. Director Ricks went over a report outlining what other states have in a reserve fund or if they have one. There was discussion from finance committee regarding the amount of $250,000 in reserve fund. There were questions and discussion on CARES Budget.
Motion to accept status review and financials as presented by Sabin. Kuhn seconded the motion.
Roll call vote – Commissioners in favor: Jasnoch, Kuhn, Lehl, Loseke, Olson, Sabin, Sortum, Stavas. Absent: Barner, Chapo, McFarland. Opposed: none. Abstain: none. Motion passed.
Director’s Report and NTC Project Updates – John Ricks and NTC staff
Director Ricks spoke about the budget spreadsheets, budget narratives through a PowerPoint presentation pointing out various elements of financials and expenses. Went over in detail the 22-23 budget. Discussion on how spending is being approached and elements involved in next year’s budget.
Motion to accept FY22-23 Budget as presented by Lehl. Loseke seconded the motion.
Roll call vote – Commissioners in favor: Jasnoch, Kuhn, Lehl, Loseke, Olson, Sabin, Sortum, Stavas. Absent: Barner, Chapo, McFarland. Opposed: none. Abstain: none. Motion passed.
Director Ricks went over FY23-25 Biennial Budget Request Proposal. Went over different scenarios for additional funding amounts. Discussion about the logistics of the scenarios and if there was a logical funding model.
Motion to accept FY23-25 Biennial Budget Request as presented by Stavas. Loseke seconded the motion.
Roll call vote – Commissioners in favor: Jasnoch, Kuhn, Lehl, Loseke, Olson, Sabin, Sortum, Stavas. Absent: Barner, Chapo, McFarland. Opposed: none. Abstain: none. Motion passed.
FY2022-2023 Grant Cycle Timeline
Guidelines available October 17, 2022
Deadline for applications December 9, 2022
Announce grant awardees February 1, 2023
Director Ricks went over the timelines for the FY22-23 Grant Cycle. There was some discussion on program funding, funding amounts, categories and awards.
Motion to accept FY22-23 Grand Cycle Timelines as presented by Lehl. Olson seconded the motion.
Roll call vote – Commissioners in favor: Jasnoch, Kuhn, Lehl, Loseke, Olson, Sabin, Sortum, Stavas. Absent: Barner, Chapo, McFarland. Opposed: none. Abstain: none. Motion passed.
Commission Committee Reports
Marketing Committee - Commissioner Chapo
Chapo was absent. Director Ricks gave presentation on marketing campaign. Discussion of trends and various elements of the campaign and the broader outreach this year.
Commission Chair Report - Commissioner Jasnoch
Thanked everyone on the tourism staff for all their work. It takes everyone from large areas to small communities to work together and make a difference in the state.
New Business
Upcoming Meetings:
October 25-27 – South Sioux City, commission meeting Oct 25th, 2-4pm
Networking session October 27th 9am
Shirley went over the dates and times of the commission meeting and networking session at the tourism conference.
At 5:30pm Jasnoch requested motion to adjourn meeting. Stavas motioned to adjourn. Second was made by Sortum.
Roll call vote – Commissioners in favor: Barner, Jasnoch, Kuhn, Lehl, Loseke, McFarland, Olson, Sortum, Stavas. Absent: Chapo, Sabin. Opposed: none. Abstain: none. Motion passed.
Respectfully submitted by Shirley Wichman
Open Meetings Law of the State of Nebraska will be available in the meeting room. Proposed agenda posted August 15, 2022, kept current and available for inspection on the Commission’s website, Items of an emergency nature may be added to the agenda by the Commission at the meeting. The Commission reserves the right to enter into closed session, should a closed session be necessary.