Meeting Minutes 10/25/2022
Nebraska Tourism Commission Meeting
October 25, 2022 at 2:00pm CST
Nebraska Tourism Commission
Riverfront Marriott
385 E 4th Street, South Sioux City, NE 68776
Commissioner Chair Roger Jasnoch called the meeting to order at 2:03 pm.
Commissioners present: Darrin Barner, Heritage Homes of Nebraska; Roger Jasnoch, Kearney Visitors Bureau; Roger Kuhn, Nebraska Game and Parks Commission; Robert Sabin, Hilton Omaha; Deb Loseke, Columbus/Platte County CVB; Barry McFarland, Mac’s Creek Vineyards and Winery; Ashley Olson, Willa Cather Foundation; Sarah Sortum, Calamus Outfitters; Jeanna Stavas, Whispering Pines Bed and Breakfast.
Commissioners absent: John Chapo, Lincoln Children’s Zoo; Starr Lehl, Scottsbluff Economic Development
Commission staff present: John Ricks, Schuylar Craig
- Approval of Meeting Agenda
Commission Chair Jasnoch welcomed the commissioners; introductions were made; and Jasnoch asked for motion to approve agenda.
McFarland motioned to approve the agenda. Olson seconded the motion.
Roll call vote – Commissioners in favor: Barner, Jasnoch, Kuhn, Sabin, Loseke, McFarland, Olson, Sortum, Stavas. Absent: Chapo, Lehl. Opposed: none. Abstain: none. Motion passed.
- Public Comment Period for items listed on the Agenda
Jasnoch opened the public comment period at 2:08 pm.
With no members of the public coming forward, Jasnoch closed the public comment period at 2:09 pm.
- Approval of May 24, 2022, Meeting Minutes
Jasnoch requested motion to approve the May 24, 2022, meeting minutes.
Stavas motioned to approve the meeting minutes from May 24, 2022. Loseke seconded the motion.
Roll call vote – Commissioners in favor: Barner, Jasnoch, Kuhn, Sabin, Loseke, McFarland, Olson, Sortum, Stavas. Absent: Chapo, Lehl. Opposed: none. Abstain: none. Motion passed.
- Approval of August 17, 2022, Meeting Minutes
Jasnoch requested motion to approve the August 17, 2022, meeting minutes.
Loseke motioned to approve the meeting minutes from August 17, 2022. Barner seconded the motion.
Roll call vote – Commissioners in favor: Barner, Jasnoch, Kuhn, Sabin, Loseke, McFarland, Olson, Sortum, Stavas. Absent: Chapo, Lehl. Opposed: none. Abstain: none. Motion passed.
- Director’s Report and NTC Project Updates – John Ricks and NTC staff
- Grant and Marketing Program – processes of how to apply and discussion of Community Impact Program
- MarkeTech – Director Ricks discussed the Agri-Tourism workshop and save the date – March 1 & 2, 2023 in Kearney, NE
- Announcement of Merritt Reservoir SRA officially becoming a designated International Dark Sky Place, the first in Nebraska…congratulatory mentions to Jenna Bartja on her hard work
- Passport Program Update – totals ending up around 1,000 fully completed Passports. Introduction to the upcoming Holiday Passport with mentions of Madison Johnson’s hard work…small discussions about travel affection with upcoming winter weather and gas prices affecting tourism.
- Biennial Budget – Upside Initiative, requesting $5 million/2 years – proven performance to return to pre-pandemic levels
- Mention of Nebraska Tourism Commission awards won, Mercury Award given at ESTO and a nomination at Cannes Film festival and finishing out as a finalist for best marketing slogan – a first for Nebraska
- State tourism office budgets of neighboring states – how much they are spending in marketing compared to Nebraska…how we are doing compared to neighboring states.
- Financial Update and Finance Committee Report – Commissioner Stavas
Stavas went through spreadsheets that were previously distributed. Director Ricks spoke about the Account Summary for FY 22-23 spreadsheets, budget narratives through a PowerPoint presentation pointing out various elements of financials and expenses. Discussion on an increase in grant cycle for FY 22-23. Discussion on unused grant money and how to combat non-repeating issues in the future. Discussion on lodging tax and the increase obtained over the eclipse year.
Motion to accept status review and financials as presented by Stavas. Kuhn seconded the motion.
Roll call vote – Commissioners in favor: Barner, Jasnoch, Kuhn, Sabin, Loseke, McFarland, Olson, Sortum, Stavas. Absent: Chapo, Lehl. Opposed: none. Abstain: none. Motion passed.
- Marketing Committee Reports
- Legislative Committee– Commissioner Lehl was absent. Moved on to Marketing Committee Report
- Marketing Committee - Commissioner Chapo
Chapo was absent. Director Ricks gave presentation on marketing campaign. Discussion of NE Tracker for travel and spending on state lodging tax revenue – adjusting factors for growth.
- Discussion on asking for increase in spending authority.
- Discussion on Sentiment Study Brochure – talks are in production, will discuss further information at a later time.
- Brief mention of Tourism Conference Speaker Cree Lawson for Arrivalist – a Geo-tracking system – breakdown of how it works, seasonality and how it will help tourism.
- Commission Chair Report - Commissioner Jasnoch
Thanked everyone for attending and for their hard work.
Mentioning of members on and off board being “decommissioned”…the expiration of member’s terms [Loseke, Jasnoch, Lehl], changes with the impending new Governor. Discussion will continue to next meeting.
- New Business
- Upcoming Board Meeting Dates: January – Zoom???, March 1st – Kearney (TBD), May 17th Brochure Swap (TBD), August – Omaha???, October – Gering (Tourism Conference location for 2023)
Jasnoch chooses to discuss this at the January meeting.
- Election of Officers – Conversations to be had at January meeting
- Adjourn
At 2:35 pm Jasnoch requested motion to adjourn meeting. Stavas motioned to adjourn. Second was made by Sabin.
Roll call vote – Commissioners in favor: Barner, Jasnoch, Kuhn, Sabin, Loseke, McFarland, Olson, Sortum, Stavas. Absent: Chapo, Lehl. Opposed: none. Abstain: none. Motion passed.
Respectfully submitted by Schuylar Craig
*Denotes Action Item
Open Meetings Law of the State of Nebraska will be available in the meeting room. Proposed agenda posted October 21, 2022 kept current and available for inspection on the Commission’s website, Items of an emergency nature may be added to the agenda by the Commission at the meeting. The Commission reserves the right to enter into closed session, should a closed session be necessary.