Nebraska Tourism Commission Governance Principles

Nebraska Tourism Commission Governance Principles

Revised May 8, 2018

I – Name and Office

Nebraska Tourism Commission

301 Centennial Mall South
PO Box 98907
Lincoln, NE 68509-8907

II – Mission Statement and Purpose

The mission of the Nebraska Tourism Commission is to expand Nebraska’s dynamic and diverse travel industry making it more viable by creating awareness, attracting increased visitors which results in greater tourism revenue and economic gain throughout the state.

The purpose of the commission shall be to:

  1. Administer the Nebraska Visitors Development Act;
  2. Prepare and monitor a budget;
  3. Elect a chairperson, vice-chairperson, and other officers;
  4. Procure and evaluate data and information necessary for the proper administration of the Nebraska Visitors Development Act;
  5. Appoint an executive director at a salary to be fixed by the commission to conduct the day-to-day operations of the Commission;
  6. Employ personnel and contract for services which are necessary for the proper operation of the commission;
  7. Keep minutes of its meetings and other books and records which clearly reflect all of the actions and transactions of the Commission and keep such records open to examination during normal business hours;
  8. Prohibit any funds appropriated to the Commission from being expended directly or indirectly to promote or oppose any candidate for public office or to influence state or federal legislation;
  9. Have authority to mark significant tourism attractions as provided in section 81-3711.01;
  10. Adopt and promulgate rules and regulations to carry out the Nebraska Visitors Development Act;
  11. Develop and administer a program to provide promotional services, technical assistance, and state aid to local governments and the tourism industry;
  12. Establish written policies and procedures governing the executive director and the personnel of the commission in the expenditure and use of funds appropriated to the commission;
  13. Cooperate with federal, state, and local governments and private individuals and organizations to carry out any of the functions of the commission and purposes of the Nebraska Visitors Development Act; and
  14. The Commission shall develop and maintain a statewide strategic plan to cultivate and promote tourism in Nebraska. The commission shall review the plan annually and update as necessary.

III - Membership

LB 222 states Commission membership as follows:

The members shall consist of eleven residents of the State of Nebraska. Four of the members shall have professional, volunteer, or public service experience that contributes to the fiduciary and governance duties of the commission. Seven of the members shall be affiliated with the tourism industry. One member shall be appointed from each of the eleven districts designated in subdivision (b) of this subsection.

(b) For purposes of this section, the state is hereby divided into eleven districts. The limits and designations of the eleven districts shall be as follows:

(i) District No. 1. Douglas County;

(ii) District No. 2. Lancaster County;

(iii) District No. 3. The counties of Richardson, Pawnee, Nemaha, Johnson, Otoe, Gage, Saline, and Jefferson;

(iv) District No. 4. The counties of Cass and Sarpy;

(v) District No. 5. The counties of Saunders, Washington, Dodge, Colfax, Stanton, Cuming, Burt, Thurston, Wayne, Cedar, Dixon, and Dakota;

(vi) District No. 6. The counties of Butler, Polk, Platte, Merrick, Nance, Boone, Madison, Pierce, Antelope, Knox, Holt, and Boyd;

(vii) District No. 7. The counties of Thayer, Nuckolls, Webster, Adams, Clay, Fillmore, Seward, York, Hamilton, Franklin, and Harlan;

(viii) District No. 8. The counties of Kearney, Phelps, Hall, Howard, Greeley, Wheeler, Buffalo, Sherman, Valley, and Garfield;

(ix) District No. 9. The counties of Lincoln, Keya Paha, Rock, Brown, Loup, Blaine, Custer, Logan, McPherson, Arthur, Grant, Hooker, Thomas, and Cherry;

(x) District No. 10. The counties of Furnas, Red Willow, Hitchcock, Dundy, Chase, Hayes, Frontier, Gosper, Dawson, Perkins, and Keith; and

(xi) District No. 11. The counties of Deuel, Garden, Sheridan, Cheyenne, Morrill, Box Butte, Dawes, Sioux, Scotts Bluff, Banner, and Kimball.

(c) The Governor shall appoint members representing district numbers 1, 6, 8, and 11 to serve for terms ending April 1, 2019; members representing district numbers 2, 5, 7, and 10 to serve for terms ending April 1, 2021; and members representing district numbers 3, 4, and 9 to serve for terms ending April 1, 2023. The terms of their successors shall be four years. The Governor shall appoint their successors with the approval of the majority of the members of the Legislature. A person appointed to serve pursuant to this subsection may serve only two successive terms.

Commission members are encouraged to attend all scheduled Commission meetings which will be held at varying locations throughout the state of Nebraska. 

IV – Meetings

Meetings are to be held at the call of the Chair or at least 7/11 of the full Commission.

Commissioner participation in meetings will either be in person or videoconference.

A quorum for carrying on official business shall be at least 7/11 of the full Commission. Commissioners must commit to meeting attendance at least 72 hours prior to the meeting

In accordance with the Open Meeting Law, public notice of the Nebraska Tourism Commission meetings shall be publicly posted at least 24 hours prior to the meeting date.

A period of public comment shall be allowed at any regularly scheduled Commission meeting.

Unless otherwise decided by a 7/11 majority vote, Roberts Rules of Order shall be the guide for conducting Commission Meetings.

V – Records

Records of the Commission shall be kept and maintained at the Nebraska Tourism Commission office and will include at least the following:

(1) A current list of Commissioners and their contact information and office held within the Commission

(2) Minutes of Commission meetings to include actions taken by the Commission

(3) Reports prepared by or for the Commission

(4) Financial Records

VI – Officers, Committees and Staff

Officers: There shall be at least five (5) officers, a chairperson, a vice-chairperson, a treasurer, the immediate past chair, and an at-large commissioner, which will comprise the Commission’s Executive Committee; to be elected by a majority of the present quorum of the Commission, each to serve a one-year term.  Officers are allowed to serve consecutive terms.

Committees, not to exceed the majority of the full Commission, shall be appointed by the Chairperson.

Staff: The Tourism Commission shall appoint an executive director to conduct the day-to-day operations of the commission and employ personnel and contract for services which are necessary for the proper operation of the commission.  The Executive Director shall serve at the discretion of the Commission.  Staff supervision shall be the responsibility of the Executive Director.

VII – Budget/Expenditures

The Executive Director, working with the Treasurer and finance committee shall prepare and submit a bi-annual budget for review and approval by a majority of the present quorum of the commission, and submitted as required by the state.  Funding sources along with anticipated expenditures and marketing plans will be included in the budget request.

Salary for the Executive Director shall be determined by the Commission in accordance with state personnel and budget policies.

Reimbursement for expenses by Commission members and the Executive Director shall be in accordance with state statutes.

VIII – Annual Report

The Executive Director shall submit an annual report to the Commission which includes a summary of the Commission’ activities recommendations for future actions (Strategic Plan) and a summary of the resources used and funds disbursed during the previous year.

IX – Amendments

These Governance Principles may be amended by a 7/11 vote of the full Commission at any meeting, following the announcement of these proposed Governing Principle changes and upcoming vote no less than one Commission meeting prior to the vote.


These Nebraska Tourism Commission Governance Principles were adopted at a regular meeting on, May 8, 2018.

_____________________________                                      ____________

Deb Loseke, Chair                                                                   Date