Nebraska Tourism Commission Meeting

May 14, 2024 at 4:00pm CST 


Ramada Midtown

2503 S Locust St, Grand Island, NE 68801


Commissioner Chair Robert Sabin called the meeting to order at 4:09 pm.


Commissioners present: Roger Kuhn, Nebraska Game and Parks Commission; Starr Lehl, Grow Nebraska; Deb Loseke, Columbus/Platte County CVB; Barry McFarland, Mac’s Creek Vineyards and Winery; Ashley Olson, Willa Cather Foundation; Robert Sabin, Hilton Omaha; Jeanna Stavas, Whispering Pines Bed and Breakfast.

Commissioners absent; Darrin Barner, Heritage Homes of Nebraska; John Chapo, Lincoln Children’s Zoo; Roger Jasnoch, Kearney Visitors Bureau; Sarah Sortum, Calamus Outfitters


Commission staff present: John Ricks, Schuylar Craig, Jenn Gjerde, Heather Hogue, Alisha Simonson, Micheal Collins


  1. Approval of Meeting Agenda

Commission Chair Sabin welcomed the commissioners; introductions were made; and Sabin asked for motion to approve agenda.


McFarland motioned to approve the agenda. Olson seconded the motion.


Roll call vote – Commissioners in favor: Kuhn, Lehl, Loseke, McFarland, Olson, Sabin, Stavas. Absent: Barner, Chapo, Jasnoch, Sortum. Opposed: none. Abstain: none. Motion passed.


  1. Public Comment Period for items listed on the Agenda 

Sabin opened the public comment period at 4:12 pm.

With no members of the public coming forward, Sabin closed the public comment period at 4:13 pm.


  1. Approval of January 24, 2024, Meeting Minutes


Sabin requested motion to approve the January 24, 2024 meeting minutes.


Stavas motioned to approve the meeting minutes from January 24, 2024.  Loseke seconded the motion.


Roll call vote – Commissioners in favor: Kuhn, Lehl, Loseke, McFarland, Olson, Sabin, Stavas. Absent: Barner, Chapo, Jasnoch, Sortum. Opposed: none. Abstain: none. Motion passed.


  1. Upcoming Meeting Dates


Sabin requested motion to convene with Olson about upcoming meeting dates and times for August in Red Cloud and Sortum (absent) in Burwell.

Lehl motioned to secure commission meeting dates. McFarland seconded the motion.


Roll call vote – Commissioners in favor: Kuhn, Lehl, Loseke, McFarland, Olson, Sabin, Stavas. Absent: Barner, Chapo, Jasnoch, Sortum. Opposed: none. Abstain: none. Motion passed.


  1. Financial Update and Finance Committee Report – Commissioner Stavas 

Stavas went through spreadsheets that were previously distributed.  Director Ricks spoke about the fiscal year budget for 2024-2025, the carry over amounts and our spending authority/total working budget. Discussion on growth of lodging tax and increased spending on media- using the board cushion towards media that was previously voted on in January. Mention of lodging tax making new records in this year of 2024 and maintaining those lodging tax records.

Motion to accept status review and financials as presented by McFarland. Kuhn seconded the motion.


Roll call vote – Commissioners in favor: Kuhn, Lehl, Loseke, McFarland, Olson, Sabin, Stavas. Absent: Barner, Chapo, Jasnoch, Sortum. Opposed: none. Abstain: none. Motion passed.


  1. Director’s Report and NTC Project Updates – John Ricks and NTC staff


  1. Contract Renewals – Ricks breaks down media partners and contracts, discussion of good relationships with these media partners – seeking final approval from board to renew contracts with Miles Partnership (2) and Turner PR for fiscal year 2024-2025.


Motion to accept Contract Renewals presented by Loseke. Stavas seconded the motion.


Roll call vote – Commissioners in favor: Kuhn, Lehl, Loseke, McFarland, Olson, Sabin, Stavas. Absent: Barner, Chapo, Jasnoch, Sortum. Opposed: none. Abstain: none. Motion passed.


  1. Destinations International – Ricks discussed blueprint ideas on how to bridge the gap between visiting and living in Nebraska. The position Community and Stakeholder Activation supports binding these two events together by working side by side with Department of Economic Development. Kuhn vocally supported this position to bridge together Tourism and DED, strengthening those lines and knitting together the best outcome.


Motion to accept Position- Community and Stakeholder Activation presented by Kuhn. Loseke seconded the motion.


Roll call vote – Commissioners in favor: Kuhn, Lehl, Loseke, McFarland, Olson, Sabin, Stavas. Absent: Barner, Chapo, Jasnoch, Sortum. Opposed: none. Abstain: none. Motion passed.


  1. Guidelines for Use of County Improvement Funds (County Lodging Tax) – Ricks discussing opinions on offering guidelines to help counties with improvement of funds. Loseke mentioned past guidelines were helpful in good ways to improve use of county’s lodging tax.


  1. Commission Committee Reports 


  1. Legislative Committee/NETA Legislative Update – Commissioner Lehl – 

Lehl discussed future, new commission members being added to the board. Many thanks all around by all board members for actively working hard to keep commission working great.

  1. Marketing Committee - Commissioner Chapo

Director Ricks discussed the Visitor Profile Study – good ideas on in state spending and what visitors are spending money on. Projections are expected before February 2025.

  1. Marketing Awards – Ricks mentioned additional awards received for the old campaign/slogan – and saying goodbye to it.
  2. Passport Update – Madison Johnson deferred to Jenn Gjerde to give Passport Program updates. Approximately 13,000 accounts were made to date for the Passport Program with 131,000 stamps already being stamped (two weeks into the program’s start date). Mention of the new Passport Pals Facebook group amassing many members.
  3. Nebraska Passport Night – Werner Park – Gjerde discussed the gathering of Passporters from all over coming to earn prizes, mingle, get stamps, vendors, sponsors and more.


  1. Commission Chair Report - Commissioner Sabin

Commission Chair Sabin thanked everyone on the tourism staff for all their work. Discussed the collab with DED/Integration – that Tourism has been working with DED since last year using analytics to create a relocation page from website to website. Mention of this opening the channel from Tourism to DED and vise versa.


  1. New Business
    1. Election of Officers – Kuhn mentioned from the previous meeting in January, this was tabled until this current meeting and recommended to the board, all positions should remain the same, keeping continuity.

Commission Chair: Robert Sabin

Vice-Chair: Barry McFarland

Past Chair: Roger Jasnoch

Treasurer: Jeanna Stavas

At Large: Ashley Olson


Kuhn motioned to approve the Election of Officers.  Lehl seconded the motion.


Roll call vote – Commissioners in favor: Kuhn, Lehl, Loseke, McFarland, Olson, Sabin, Stavas. Absent: Barner, Chapo, Jasnoch, Sortum. Opposed: none. Abstain: none. Motion passed.


  1. Adjourn


At 5:47 pm Sabin requested motion to adjourn meeting. Stavas motioned to adjourn. Second was made by Olson.


Roll call vote – Commissioners in favor: Kuhn, Lehl, Loseke, McFarland, Olson, Sabin, Stavas. Absent: Barner, Chapo, Jasnoch, Sortum. Opposed: none. Abstain: none. Motion passed.


Respectfully submitted by Schuylar Craig


. *Denotes Action Item

Open Meetings Law of the State of Nebraska will be available in the meeting room. Proposed agenda, posted May 10, 2024 kept current and available for inspection on the Commission’s website, Items of an emergency nature may be added to the agenda by the Commission at the meeting.  The Commission reserves the right to enter into closed session, should a closed session.