The last full weekend in July, head to the Winnebago Indian Reservation for the tribe’s annual Homecoming Powwow. Year 'round, visit the pasture of the tribe’s buffalo herd, also located in Winnebago.

A quarter of the U.S. Army was once stationed at Fort Atkinson State Historical Park in Fort Calhoun. Visit to experience life in an 1820s military fort and periodic living history demonstrations in summer.

Also in Fort Calhoun, wander the vast floodplains of the Missouri River at Boyer Chute National Wildlife Refuge. These wetlands shelter migrating birds in spring and fall.

Inside Omaha’s historic Union Station, find the Durham Museum. Packed with regional displays and traveling exhibits, the museum gives visitors a deeper understanding of Nebraska history.
Lewis & Clark Scenic Byway
Small-Town Stop: Tekamah
Summit Lake State Recreation Area, offering hunting, fishing, boating, hiking and camping, anchors this northeast Nebraska town.
DO Sample, then buy, a box of delicious creations at Serendipity Chocolate Factory inside Master’s Hand.
SHOP Next door, treasure-hunt for one-of-a-kind pieces at The Antiques Room.
EAT Enjoy comfort food and craft beer at community-favorite Chatterbox Brews.
STAY Go wing-shooting, bring your dog for hunt training and retire to the lodge at Pheasant Bonanza.
For more information on the Lewis and Clark Scenic Byway check out this trip idea!